Applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits can be a very humbling experience. You have to accept the idea that your medical condition could permanently affect your earning capacity. You also need to acknowledge that you need help in daily life or that you don’t have enough income to support yourself anymore.
Once you reach that point, you then it needed to gather enough medical documentation to prove that your condition affects your daily life. You have to submit your evidence and certain paperwork to the Social Security Administration (SSA). Unfortunately, many people who need SSDI won’t receive benefits right away when they apply. Instead, the SSA denies their application.
The SSA is very strict in its interpretation of rules when trying to determine if someone qualifies for benefits or not. Not sending in enough medical documentation or using the wrong words to describe your medical condition could be enough to disqualify you from benefits when you initially apply.
You have the right to appeal your denial, starting with a reconsideration. Sometimes, all you need is a review by another worker at the SSA. Other times, you may need to is that the case to an administrative law judge. There are even more appeal options available to those who don’t secure an approval in court.
Every year, a noteworthy percentage of individuals initially denied benefits receive SSDI upon appeal. Recognizing that a denial isn’t the end of the road and getting support with your appeal can help you get the SSDI benefits you need.
Phone: (920) 735-1711
Address: W6260 Communication Court Appleton, Wisconsin 54914